Tuesday 26 May 2009

22 May - Rubbish Photo

Terrible photo, but unfortunately the only one I took that day. I meant to take more but I got distracted by DC Universe vs. Mortal Kombat. Apologies.

21 May - The Sprite

Went out for a spin in Hannah's new Sprite. I won't pretend to know anything about cars. I just know it's pretty.

20th May - Epic Cake

My rather epic birthday cake made by my fantastic mother. Yes that is edible gold icing. Mmm.

Listening to: Jeremy Whine on Radio 2

Wednesday 20 May 2009

19 May 2009

My beautiful 21st birthday present from Sarah, Hannah and Phil. The camera was running out of battery while I was taking this last night, so I didn't quite manage to get the focus I wanted, but it's still pretty nice all the same. :)

Listening to: Message In A Bottle - The Police [on the radio]

I Know It's Been A While...

But I'm back. Another mammoth post of pictures I've taken over fraught exam/essay period. Back to regular everyday hopefully now. :)

1. And that's why I'll never do an IT degree.
2. If Rachel says you need to blacken peppers, then you blacken peppers.
4. Graffiti somewhere in Liverpool.
5. Stevie drew this in September of me, her and Hannah. :3
6. You can't see the writing, but that's my dissertation. WOOP.
7. Getting my hair dyed. Foils are the best.
8. Will tried making iced tea. It wasn't the greatest, but I'm sure he will do better next time.
9. I forgot to bring the sheets in, but they looked pretty. I brought them in after I took a picture.
10. Hayley and Hannah at Hayley's birthday dinner.
11. Alexx as The Crow and Stevie as The Joker at our Superhero/villain party.